| __ PUBLICATIONS _______"Experiences with Using Gummel-Poon Models of Discrete Devices" 33th Bipolar Arbeitskreis (Bip-AK) Meeting, Nov. 4.-5., 2021 see: https://www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de/iee/eb/forsch/AK-Bipo/ak_bipo_bei.html
"90 Years of Twoport Matrices and its Impact on Device Measurements and Modeling" 13th Virtual MOS-AK Workshop, Silicon Valley CA, Dec.10-11 2020 see: http://www.mos-ak.org/silicon_valley_2020/presentations/Sischka_MOS-AK_SV_2020.pdf "Experiences with Using the ASM-HEMT Model for III/IV HEMTs" Bipolar Arbeitskreis (Bip-AK) Meeting, Crolles, France, Nov. 2019 see: https://www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de/iee/eb/forsch/AK-Bipo/ak_bipo_bei.html "Impedance Measurements for Successful Device Modeling" Bipolar Arbeitskreis (Bip-AK) Meeting, Frickenhausen, Nov. 2018 see: https://www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de/iee/eb/forsch/AK-Bipo/ak_bipo_bei.html "Successful and Verified RF Measurements for Device Modeling" Tutorial Day at International MOS-AK-Workshop, Beijing, China, 14-16. June 2018 see: http://www.mos-ak.org/beijing_2018 "Modeling of Device Aging - Example: Diode" including Verilog-A and IC-CAP Files MOS-AK Meeting, March 2018, Munich see: http://www.mos-ak.org/munich_2018 "Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) Measurements and Simulations of Bipolar Transistor Snap-Back Effect" Bipolar Arbeitskreis Meeting, Nov. 2017, Erfurt 2 Days Workshop: "Integrated Circuits and Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)"
"Tutorial About Applying Impedance Curve Modeling" Bipolar Arbeitskreis Meeting, Nov. 2016, Munich see: https://www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de/iee/eb/forsch/AK-Bipo/ak_bipo_bei.html#2016 "From DC to RF Measurements/Characterization/Modeling -- DC & CV Part" International MOS-AK Workshop, 26-28. June 2016, Shanghai see: http://www.mos-ak.org/shanghai_2016
IHP Summer Tutorial, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany, June 15-17, 2016 Measurements: DC -> CV -> IMpedance -> S-Parameters -> Nonlinear RF -> 1/f NoiseDevice Modeling Examples: Diode DC -> CV -> S-Parameter -> Nonlinear-RF -> Time Domain Measurement-based Passive Device Modeling
2 Days Workshop: "S-Parameter And Nonlinear-RF, Measurements and Modeling" 2nd China Workshop on Compact Modeling CWCM2015, 10-12. June 2015, Shanghai
"Semiconductor Noise in the Time and Frequency Domain" Bipolar Arbeitskreis Meeting, Oct. 2014, Crolles, France see: https://www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de/iee/eb/forsch/AK-Bipo/ak_bipo_bei.html#2014
"CMOS RF Modeling, Characterization and Applications"