__ PUBLICATIONS   _______

"Experiences with Using Gummel-Poon Models of Discrete Devices"

33th Bipolar Arbeitskreis (Bip-AK) Meeting, Nov. 4.-5., 2021

see: https://www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de/iee/eb/forsch/AK-Bipo/ak_bipo_bei.html


"90 Years of Twoport Matrices and its Impact on Device Measurements and Modeling"

13th Virtual MOS-AK Workshop, Silicon Valley CA, Dec.10-11 2020

see:  http://www.mos-ak.org/silicon_valley_2020/presentations/Sischka_MOS-AK_SV_2020.pdf

"Experiences with Using the ASM-HEMT Model for III/IV HEMTs"

Bipolar Arbeitskreis (Bip-AK) Meeting, Crolles, France, Nov. 2019

see:  https://www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de/iee/eb/forsch/AK-Bipo/ak_bipo_bei.html

"Impedance Measurements for Successful Device Modeling"

Bipolar Arbeitskreis (Bip-AK) Meeting, Frickenhausen, Nov. 2018

see:  https://www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de/iee/eb/forsch/AK-Bipo/ak_bipo_bei.html

"Successful and Verified RF Measurements for Device Modeling"

Tutorial Day at International MOS-AK-Workshop, Beijing, China, 14-16. June 2018

see:  http://www.mos-ak.org/beijing_2018

"Modeling of Device Aging - Example: Diode"

including Verilog-A and IC-CAP Files

MOS-AK Meeting, March 2018, Munich

see:  http://www.mos-ak.org/munich_2018

"Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) Measurements and Simulations of Bipolar Transistor Snap-Back Effect"

Bipolar Arbeitskreis Meeting, Nov. 2017, Erfurt
see:   https://www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de/iee/eb/forsch/AK-Bipo/ak_bipo_bei.html

2 Days Workshop: "Integrated Circuits and Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)"
IHP, Frankfurt (Oder), 27-28. Sept. 2017

"Tutorial About Applying Impedance Curve Modeling"

Bipolar Arbeitskreis Meeting, Nov. 2016, Munich

see:   https://www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de/iee/eb/forsch/AK-Bipo/ak_bipo_bei.html#2016

"From DC to RF Measurements/Characterization/Modeling -- DC & CV Part"

International MOS-AK Workshop, 26-28. June 2016, Shanghai

see:   http://www.mos-ak.org/shanghai_2016

2 Days Workshop: "Verified Measurements for Successful Device Models"

IHP Summer Tutorial, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany, June 15-17, 2016

Measurements:   DC -> CV -> IMpedance -> S-Parameters -> Nonlinear RF -> 1/f NoiseDevice Modeling Examples:    Diode DC -> CV -> S-Parameter -> Nonlinear-RF -> Time Domain   Measurement-based Passive Device Modeling


2 Days Workshop:

"S-Parameter And Nonlinear-RF,  Measurements and Modeling"

2nd China Workshop on Compact Modeling CWCM2015,  

10-12. June 2015, Shanghai



"Semiconductor Noise in the Time and Frequency Domain"

Bipolar Arbeitskreis Meeting, Oct. 2014, Crolles, France 

see:   https://www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de/iee/eb/forsch/AK-Bipo/ak_bipo_bei.html#2014

"Device Modeling DC Measurements Challenges"
Paper at MOS-AK Bordeaux, September 14, 2012
Slide set available at



"S-Parameter And Nonlinear RF Modelling"
Paper at 2.International Training Course on Compact Modelling (TCCM 2012)
June 28, 2012
Slide set and video available at


"Nonlinear Network Analyzer Measurements For Better Transistor Modeling"
Paper at ICMTS Conference, Amsterdam, April 6, 2011



"CMOS RF Modeling, Characterization and Applications"
Science Book, edited by M. Jamal Deen and Tor A. Fjeldly
Co-authors: F.Sischka, T.Gneiting
    www.worldscientific.com, ISBN 981-02-4905-5, April 2002